8.2.3 Element 13. Video Banner shortcode.
Video Banner short-code:
This short-code allows adding section with video banner.
- Preview image - This option allows add the image which you want to use on your page.
- Video link - This option allows inserting your video link, which you want to use on your page.
- Title - This option allows add the title you the Video Banner.
- Autoplay - This option allows regulate autoplay interval, which you want to use on your page
- Mute sound - This option allows enable the mute option, which you want to use on your page
- Video start(second) - This option allows enter start video number, which you want to use on your page
- Video end(second) - This option allows enter end video number, which you want to use on your page
- Extra class name - This option allows to name the class name for the element. Also, you can set up additional decorations for the element in CSS stylesheets.
Design Options:
- CSS box. This option allows you are able to control paddings, margins, border, and radius.
- Border color. This option allows the select color of the border.
- Border style. This option allows the select style of the border.
- Border radius. This option allows the select radius of the border.
- Background. This option allows setting different types of background images.
- Box controls. This option allows the select controls.