8.2.4. Element 14. Wiso Gallery shortcode.
Wiso Gallery short-code:
This short-code allows adding the gallery with different styles to your page.
Wiso Gallery Settings (Parent shortcode parameters).
- Type Gallery: This option allows selecting the type of the gallery, which you want to use on your page.
- "Fullscreen with thumbnail" - Style where one image is displayed in full screen, other images looks like thumbnail (on the bottom of image)
- "Slider transition" - Style where images displayed with animation
- "Gallery masonry" - Style where images are displayed in the columns, which you can select. (Two, Three, Four columns)
- "Glitch" - Style where images are displayed with specific animation. Please note Glitch effect is very experimental. It is not supported in IE or Edge.
- "Modern slider" - Style where images are displayed in the vertical slider. In this style, you can select the Speed (milliseconds) of slide scrolling speed.
- Images - This option allows uploading your images, which you want to use on your page.
- Extra class name - This option allows to name the class name for the element. Also, you can set up additional decorations for the element in CSS stylesheets.
Design Options:
- CSS box. This option allows you are able to control paddings, margins, border, and radius.
- Border color. This option allows the select color of the border.
- Border style. This option allows the select style of the border.
- Border radius. This option allows the select radius of the border.
- Background. This option allows setting different types of background images.
- Box controls. This option allows the select controls.