8.3.2 Element 22. Full screen slider shortcode.
Full screen slider short-code:
- Images for banner - This option allows uploading your images, which you want to use on the banner.
- Sound Background - This option allows uploading the sound, which you want to use on the banner.
- Sound Autoplay - This option allows the time for the sound autoplay, which you want to use on the banner.
- Extra class name - This option allows to name the class name for the element. Also, you can set up additional decorations for the element in CSS stylesheets.
This short-code allows adding section with slider items in the banner (full screen images), where you can add the sound and choose the time for animation.
Full Screen Slider Settings (Parent shortcode parameters).
- Disable window scroll -
This option allows disabling the window scroll on this shortcode.
- Autoplay -
This is a feature, which automatically switches between slides after a period of time (autoplay interval)
- Speed (milliseconds) -
This is a feature, where you can select the time of speed animation.
- Loop - This option allows to repeat the sound.
Design Options:
- CSS box. This option allows you are able to control paddings, margins, border, and radius.
- Border color. This option allows the select color of the border.
- Border style. This option allows the select style of the border.
- Border radius. This option allows the select radius of the border.
- Background. This option allows setting different types of background images.
- Box controls. This option allows the select controls.