8.3.5 Element 25. Post slider shortcode
Post slider short-code:
This short-code allows adding section of the posts, which will be displayed like the slider.
Post slider Settings (Parent shortcode parameters).
- Select Categories - This option allows selecting the categories.
- Sort order - This option allows select sending or descending order.
- Count items - This option allows enter count of the item.
- Autoplay speed (milliseconds) -
This is a feature, which automatically switches between slides after a period of time (autoplay interval)
- Speed (milliseconds) -
This is a feature, where you can select the time of speed animation.
- Count of columns for desktop - This option allows select counts of columns for the desktop.
- Count of columns for tablet - This option allows select counts of columns for the tablet.
Count of columns for mobile - This option allows select counts of columns for the mobile.