7.0.3 Typography
In this section typography of menu items, heading, buttons, as well as links on all pages, can be changed:

Typography Headings
Typography Headings - You can set up your typography which you want to use in your elements:
- Title Tag - From H1 to H6, paragraph
- Font Family - Here you can select which font you want to use.
- Font Size (in px) - Here you can select which size you want to set up.
Typography Menu - You can set up the typography which you want on your menu elements:
- Menu Item Font Family - Here you can select the font which you want to use.
- Menu Item Font Size (in px) - Here you can select which size you want to use.
- Menu Line Height - Here you can select which height of the menu items you want to use.
- Menu Item Font Size (in px) - Here you can select which size of the menu you want to use
- Submenu Item Font Family - Here you can select which size of the submenu you want to use
- Submenu Item Font Size (in px) - Here you can select the size of the submenu you want to use.
- Submenu Line Height - Here you can select which height of the submenu items you want to use.
Typography Button - You can set up the typography which you want on your buttons:
- Button Font Family - Here you can select the font which you want to use in your buttons,
- Button Font Size (in px) - Here you can select which size you want to use in your buttons.
- Button Line Height - Here you can select which height of the buttons.
- Letter Spacing (in px) - Here you can select increases or decreases the space between characters in a text.
Typography Links - You can set up the typography which you want on your links.
- Button Font Family - Here you can select the font which you want to use in your links.
- Links Font Size (in px) - Here you can select the font which you want to use in your links.
- Links Line Height - Here you can select the font which you want to use in your links.
- Links Letter Spacing (in px) - Here you can select the font which you want to use in your links.
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